gentle exercises for lower back pain and stiffness

Blog post by Sarah Collier-Smith

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For many of you, the last few weeks will have had a significant effect on our normal day-to-day activities. It may mean you have had more time to spend in the garden, clearing the weeds; preparing and planting out your patio pots; or cultivating a vegetable garden, like me! For some, you may now sit for more hours working at laptops on makeshift desks, like your dining table, where it is difficult to adjust your position to support your lower backs (also me!).

With this in mind, I have recorded a video of some basic lower back exercises, anyone can try these to ease off any lower back pain or stiffness. The exercises are not specific to any particular back problem, but can be helpful to follow as part of your daily routine.

Start with on your back:

  • Bilateral knee rolls
  • Single hip / knee flexion
  • Nose up to your knee
  • Bilateral hip / knee flexion
  • Pelvic tilts

Then, moving on to hands and knees (tabletop):

  • Cat / Cow pose
  • Child’s pose

Please do take a look at the video and join in with me, but always remember to listen to your body and stop if any of the exercises cause you pain.

Stay safe, well and mobile!





